英文期刊Precision Radiation Oncology 2023年第4期现已正式上线!这一期内容精彩纷呈,横跨多个研究领域的丰硕成果,旨在向您呈现放射肿瘤学领域的最新研究进展和前沿动态。
Editorial: Innovations, advances, and challenges in precision radiation oncology physics
Fada Guan, Lawrence Bronk, Jinbo Yue, Radhe Mohan, Zhe Chen
Chinese clinical practice guidelines for the prevention and treatment of radiation-induced esophagitis
Chinese clinical practice guidelines for the prevention and treatment of radiation-induced rectal injury

Hui Zhang, Zhen Zhang, Shuanghu Yuan
Comparison of Rapid Arc and Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy in a True Beam Linear Accelerator for 6 MV: Application of AAPM TG-119 tests in treatment planning and quality assurance
Blockchain + Radiotherapy: The Scenarios of the 5G-Enabled Smart Radiotherapy Era

Red shell- high risk normal tissue in stereotactic radiosurgery

Is there an optimal time to administer postoperative stereotactic radiosurgery in patients with brain metastases? A systematic review of the literature and meta-analysis
Dual-Energy CT in Breast Cancer: Current Applications and Future Outlooks

Precision Radiation Oncology, 也被称为BLUE JOURNAL,是致力于精准智慧放疗的国际性英文期刊,为全球放射肿瘤学的专家学者提供学术交流平台。杂志由山东省肿瘤防治研究院主办,中国工程院于金明院士担任主编,袁双虎教授担任编辑部主任,邀请国内外知名专家担任编委并参与同行评议。杂志已被国际知名数据库 Embase, Scopus, DOAJ收录。
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